Moving Home

When it's time to move home, our team is here to help you every step of the way.

Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or facing unique circumstances, our goal is to make your move as smooth as possible. From understanding the mortgage process & the potential costs to consider to addressing specific challenges and scenarios, we’re here to ensure you have the knowledge and support needed to make your move with confidence. Explore the various aspects of moving home, including mortgage options, financial considerations, and solutions for specific situations. At OpenDoor Mortgages, your next home is just a step away.

What is the process?

Begin your mortgage journey with confidence at OpenDoor Mortgages. Our efficient, four-step process ensures a smooth experience:

Initial Appointment

Our mortgage brokers begin by assessing your personal & financial situation and property preferences, setting out a clear pathway for you.


Search & Strategy

We assist you in finding & securing your ideal property and securing the most suitable mortgage for your circumstances, balancing your dreams with your budget.


Application & Checks

Our experts complete thorough & extensive final checks on the specific circumstances and property, leading to a detailed presentation of your mortgage application to the most suitable lender.


Approval, Exchange & Completion

We finalise the mortgage, liaise with all parties to expedite the process & help you negotiate the most suitable moving date for you.

With OpenDoor Mortgages, every step is straightforward and personalised, efficiently guiding you towards your next home.

What if...

Encountering unique financial situations on your mortgage journey? Don’t worry. At OpenDoor Mortgages, our “What if…” section is designed to help you navigate through various scenarios, ensuring you’re equipped with tailored advice and the confidence to find the right solution, regardless of your circumstances. Let us turn your unique challenges into successful homeownership opportunities, preparing you for every possibility with our expert guidance.
  • What if I’m self-employed?
  • What if I’m a contractor?
  • What if I’m a company director?
  • What if I'm a foster carer?
  • What if I'm retired?
  • What if I have only just started a new job?
  • What if I'm on my probationary period?
  • What if I have a low credit score/IVA/CCJ/Defaults/Debt Management Plan/Bankruptcy?

What if I’m self-employed?

Moving home while self-employed introduces unique considerations for your mortgage application.

Lenders typically assess self-employed individuals differently from those in traditional employment so speaking to an experienced mortgage broker is paramount to understanding your options.

You’ll need to provide evidence of your income, which can include tax returns, business accounts, and bank statements. Lenders assess your affordability based on your business’s financial performance. Most lenders require a minimum trading history of at least one to three years. Limited trading history can limit your options. A good credit score will help. Lenders consider your credit history to assess your risk as a borrow. Some lenders specialise in self-employed mortgages and may offer more flexible terms.

What if I’m a contractor?

If you’re a contractor and planning to move home, several key considerations come into play when applying for a mortgage.

These include providing proof of income, contract length, the required deposit, your credit history and experience in your chosen field. Here at OpenDoor Mortgages, we have an extensive experience in assisting contractors with their mortgage needs and can guide you through the process, connecting you with lenders who understand the unique circumstances of contractors.

Our goal is to help you secure the right mortgage for your new home, considering your specific situation.

What if I’m a company director?

Securing a mortgage as a company director while moving home can present unique challenges.

Lenders scrutinise factors like your income stability, company’s financial health, personal finances, and deposit size. Your income, comprising salary and dividends or your share of profits, plays a crucial role, and lenders may request access to your company’s financial records. A strong credit history can enhance your mortgage prospects.

Our team of experienced brokers can help you navigate this complex process, ensuring you find the right mortgage solution tailored to your specific situation.

What if I'm a foster carer?

As a foster carer looking to move home, your unique financial situation may pose certain challenges when applying for a mortgage.

Lenders typically assess your income, and as a foster carer, this can vary. It’s crucial to provide evidence of stable and consistent income, which may require documentation from fostering agencies. A strong credit history can also positively impact your mortgage eligibility.

At OpenDoor Mortgages we specialise in navigating complex financial situations, and we can assist you in finding a suitable mortgage solution tailored to your needs, making your move a reality.

What if I'm retired?

If you’re retired and planning to move home, your financial circumstances may differ from those of working individuals.

Lenders consider factors such as pension income, savings, and investments to assess your mortgage eligibility. Having a secure pension plan and a healthy financial standing can work in your favour.

We understand the unique challenges retirees may face and can help you explore mortgage options that suit your retirement income, making your move to a new home a smooth transition.

What if I have only just started a new job?

Starting a new job and wanting to move home can present some challenges when it comes to obtaining a mortgage.

Lenders typically prefer applicants with a stable employment history, as it gives them confidence in your ability to meet mortgage payments. However, it’s not impossible to secure a mortgage in this situation. To improve your chances, it’s essential to demonstrate your employment stability and financial responsibility.

Having a good credit score, a substantial deposit, and a clear plan for managing your finances can strengthen your mortgage application.

What if I'm on my probationary period?

Being on a probationary period at your job while wanting to move home can pose challenges in obtaining a mortgage.

Lenders often prefer applicants with a stable employment history, as it gives them confidence in your ability to meet mortgage payments consistently. However, it’s not impossible to secure a mortgage in this situation. To enhance your chances, consider building a strong financial profile.

Maintaining a good credit score, having a substantial deposit, and providing evidence of a secure income source can bolster your mortgage application.

What if I have a low credit score/IVA/CCJ/Defaults/Debt Management Plan/Bankruptcy?

If you have a low credit score or have experienced financial challenges such as an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement), CCJs (County Court Judgments), defaults, a Debt Management Plan, or even bankruptcy and are looking to move home, it’s essential to consider the impact on your mortgage eligibility.

While these factors can make it more challenging to secure a mortgage, it’s not impossible. Here at OpenDoor Mortgages, we specialise in assisting individuals with adverse credit histories in finding suitable mortgage solutions. We work with a network of lenders who may be willing to consider your application, taking into account your efforts to improve your financial situation.

Our expert brokers are here to provide guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of obtaining a mortgage while addressing past credit challenges, ensuring you have the best chance of securing a mortgage for your new home.

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Your questions about moving home answered

We’re here to provide answers to common questions, guiding you through the journey of moving house.

  • Can I get a mortgage if I am on a zero-hour contract?

    Getting a mortgage while on a zero-hour contract and moving home can be more challenging compared to traditional employment arrangements. Lenders often prefer borrowers with stable and predictable income sources. However, it's far from impossible to obtain a mortgage in this situation. Many lenders will consider your application if you can demonstrate a consistent history of income from your zero-hour contract. They may request several months' worth of payslips and bank statements to assess your income stability. Additionally, having a good credit score can strengthen your mortgage application.

  • Can I port my existing mortgage?

    In most instances yes, you have the option to transfer your existing mortgage to a new property, a process known as mortgage porting, but this is not an automatic process and requires agreement from the lender. Porting may mean you can maintain your current mortgage deal, including its interest rate, when you relocate to a new home which may be favourable dependant on circumstance. Our experienced team will assist you in comprehending the terms and conditions of your current mortgage and their relevance to your new property. We collaborate closely with your lender to streamline the porting procedure, ensuring it's hassle-free and efficient. With OpenDoor Mortgages, you can leverage this flexible option to secure favourable terms for your new home confidently.

  • Can I use benefit income when moving home?

    Using benefit income when moving home can be a bit more complex than traditional income sources. Many lenders consider certain benefit income, such as Child Benefit, Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), when assessing your affordability. However, eligibility criteria will vary among lenders, and not all benefit income may be accepted. Our team of expert mortgage brokers can help you navigate this process, working with lenders who may consider your benefit income, ensuring you have a great chance of securing a mortgage that suits your needs when moving home.

  • I do not have indefinite leave to remain in the UK, can I get a mortgage when moving home?

    Having limited leave to remain in the UK doesn't automatically exclude you from obtaining a mortgage. Lenders will consider the length of time in the UK, your remaining leave, your employment status, and your credit history. We have experience in finding mortgage solutions for individuals in this situation, highlighting the stability of your residence and employment in the UK. Our goal is to find a lender who recognizes your potential as a homeowner, not you’re your residency status.

  • I have had a repayment holiday / missed a mortgage payment; will this affect me?

    Yes, having a repayment holiday or missing a mortgage payment can potentially affect your ability to move home.  It may raise concerns for lenders about your ability to meet future mortgage obligations. It's essential to be transparent about these issues when applying for a mortgage and whether this is the right solution for you personally. We're here to provide expert guidance and support to help you secure the right mortgage for your needs comparing porting with your current lender to the option in the wider market.

  • If I have previously missed payments on credit, will I still be able to secure a mortgage?

    If you've had previous instances of missed payments on credit and you're considering a move to a new home, it's essential to be aware of the potential impact on your mortgage application. Missed payments on credit can have a negative effect on your credit score, which lenders use to assess your creditworthiness. A lower credit score can make it more challenging to secure a competitive mortgage and may result in less favourable terms. However, it's important to note that different lenders have varying criteria, and some may be more lenient when it comes to prior missed payments. At OpenDoor Mortgages, our aim is to offer expert guidance and connect you with lenders who are open to accommodating your specific situation, even if you've encountered challenges with missed payments in the past.

  • My income has recently changed (Maternity/Paternity), will this affect me?

    A change in income, such as going on maternity or paternity leave, can indeed impact your ability to move house, particularly when it comes to securing a mortgage. During maternity or paternity leave, your income may temporarily decrease, which can affect your ability to meet the affordability criteria set by lenders. However, it's important to note that each lender may have different policies and criteria for handling changes in income due to such circumstances. Some lenders may be more accommodating and flexible in their assessment. We work with a wide range of lenders and can help you find mortgage solutions that consider your unique situation, ensuring you receive the most applicable guidance and support for your mortgage needs during this transitional period.

  • What are Early Repayment Charges when moving home?

    Early Repayment Charges, often abbreviated as ERCs, are fees that borrowers may incur if they choose to pay off their mortgage or a portion of it earlier than the agreed-upon term or before a specific period, typically the fixed-rate term or the initial deal period, expires. These charges are designed to compensate lenders for the interest they would have earned had the borrower continued with the mortgage as initially agreed. ERCs can vary significantly depending on the mortgage terms and the lender's policies. They are typically calculated as a percentage of the outstanding mortgage balance or based on a specific formula outlined in the mortgage agreement. At OpenDoor Mortgages, we provide expert guidance on mortgage terms and conditions, including Early Repayment Charges, to ensure you have a clear understanding of any potential fees associated with your mortgage. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about your mortgage, whether you're considering early repayment or other options.

About OpenDoor Mortgages

Whether you’re buying a property, remortgaging, moving house, changing ownership, or investing in property, our goal at OpenDoor Mortgages is to ensure a smooth, stress-free journey for you. Our foundation is built on challenging preconceived notions of what a mortgage brokerage should be, all for the benefit of our valued customers. We go above and beyond, ensuring that our customers’ needs are the sole priority in every decision we make. Our dedicated team offers a wide range of services, and we’re committed to providing solutions for every query, concern, or hiccup with the help of our skilled, knowledgeable, and compassionate staff.

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